Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Enjoy Today's Victories!

My "to do" list is 2 slots shorter for the moment. It feels good to get some things marked off before a dozen try to fill the slots. For perspective, the things still on my list scream "what about me" pushing to get their turn and have the potential to steal the feeling of accomplishment for getting some big things checked off. I believe we experience the same kinds of feelings when we get some really big answers to prayer. We enjoy the answers for a short time only to begin focusing on "what's let to pray about". Philippians 4:8 says we are to control what we think about. It says "think on things that are good, honest, right, pure, lovely and a good report". Colossians 3 says to "think on things above not only on things below". II Corinthians 10 says to "take your thoughts captive" meaning don't just see the glass half empty, make sure you see the glass half full too. There is a natural "tendency" to see things that need to be done instead of the things that have already been done for many people. For those people they spend more time stressing about the "to do list" than rejoicing over their "just got done list". A wise saying is "make sure to enjoy every single victory". A victory may mean getting something checked off the to do list, losing a few pounds on your diet, learning a new Bible verse, being more attentive to your spouse and kids, going all day without losing your temper, etc. I just remind us all to make sure to enjoy the pleasant moments; don't loose the value of things accomolished because of things waiting to have their turn.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


It's nice to set a goal and keep working until it is complete. If the goal is significant, you will be tempted to quit a number of different times before it is completed whether it is losing weight, adding on to your home or reading the Bible in a year (or a million other things.) A key to accomplishing your goal is to be realistic in setting your completion date and being honest about your ability to pull it off. Losing 20 pounds in a month is not going to happen. Adding a room or building a deck on your home can only be as good as the person who builds it has skill. If you have never done anything like that, know going in to it "this is never going to be perfect". There will be obvious flaws but I am not going to keep focusing on the flaws at least, YOU WILL HAVE A DECK or whatever your project is. If you continually criticize your work, you won't enjoy doing it and you won't enjoy the end result. If you will be honest and begin the project with realistic expectations, the whole thing can be rewarding and enjoyable. Philippians 1:6 says "He who began working on you (God) will keep at it until you die"; in other words God is not going to have a "perfect you" until you get to Heaven so relax and enjoy the life He has given you to live, knowing you are never going to be perfect while you are here on earth. If God can enjoy you without your perfection the least we can do is join Him in accepting the truth, He is going to keep working on us and encouraging us to not give up until we see Him face to face!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Are you liviing on fumes?

I have had a great 3 or 4 months with the Lord. I don't know what changed, I just have begun to sense His presence more in everyday things and it has been wonderful. I wish there was a way to guarantee these times but the truth is there is not. Anyone who tells you there is does not tell the complete truth. Sure God never leaves us, maybe I am just expressing what I am feeling in a poor way but what I am trying to say is "something has gotten better, significantly better" and it would be nice to never loose "this feeling". The truth is everyone goes through times of wilderness, some of these times last for years (study Moses' life, Joseph's life, King David's life, Apostle Paul's life). I want to remind us that just because we may be walking in the wilderness does not mean we are out of God's will. There certainly are times when we put ourselves in the wilderness because of disobedience or stubbornness, but the enemy tries to convince us that if you are in the wilderness, it is always your fault. Again, if we know the Bible we know that Jesus was specifically led into the wilderness by the Spirit of God (Matthew 4:1). The best thing we can do in our walk with God is prepare the same way whether we are in "good times" or the "tough times". This process requires discipline. It means we will not let our emotions control us or dictate our actions. I hope your are enjoying a time of "blessing with God", if you are enjoy it. If you feel like you are on the back side of the desert, forgotten by God hold on, likely God is preparing you for the project He has been preparing to lead you in to. When He does come and get you, you will probably resist His prompting to go forward (just like Moses did) because what He has been planning for you will blow your mind. You are not forgotten and you will not continue without being used in His great plan!