Saturday, December 24, 2011

Glad for new Chances

Intentions are good things, unfortunately they do not accomplish any goals. If you have had good intentions about a particular job to do, habit to change or food group to leave behind that's good BUT I had good intentions of writing more regularly as a way to discipline myself. Writing requires me to sit down, gather my thoughts, put things in coherent sentences and edit what does not fit, then post the results.
I'm just glad we are about to get a whole new year to start over whatever we had good intentions of accomplishing in 2011. I want to challenge all of us to seek God about what He has for us to do in the coming days. I am going to (there are those good intentions again) God willing, begin a sermon series January 15 called "30 Days to Live". It is based on a book written by Pastor Kerry Shook that encourages everyone to make everyday of your life count. If you knew you had only 30 more days to live, would you continue with your present schedule or would you alter it. If you were actually going to die, you would make your relationships more of a priority. I think you would make calls to people who have meant more to you than they know and you would stop worrying about some of the things that keep you awake now.
If you would change things if you "only had 30 days to live" then START DOING THEM NOW BECAUSE NONE OF US KNOW HOW MANY DAYS WE HAVE LEFT TO LIVE!
Life has things we do not plan for, we can only react to. Decide now that you will follow Jesus Christ regardless of how things go in 2012. Read His word daily to grow your faith and trust Him when things do not make sense.
Don't try to keep things in 2012 that were only meant for 2011 and don't fear what God has in store, He promises we have a future filled with hope (Jeremiah 29:11).