Monday, February 13, 2012

One Month to Live

I've just finished a book entitled "One Month to Live" written by Kerry Shook. It encourages readers to ask themselves this question "how can you live daily so that at the end of your life, you will not have any regrets"! It gives great perspective to what matters and what how we act and re-act to life's daily circumstances. It also encourages us to "do what we love doing" now, don't put off your passions to live a boring life. Another encouragement is to "ask for and give forgiveness to people" today, at the end of your life you will not want to wish I would have done this a long time ago. Lastly, it encourages you to "spend time with the people that really matter".
It's not morbid to think about how your life will end, the fact is everyone's life ends, be mature enough to plan for and prepare for the time it does. Make the people you care about aware of your wishes about how to handle end of life issues. Have a will, inform family and your attorney and or accountant where the will will be, make Funeral wishes known, have someone who you trust to handle these details at the appropriate time.
Here's the good news, most of us have much more than 30 days left to live, the challenge is to really live, not just exist. Start living today, not just breathing, really living because one day you really will only have 30 more days to live.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

All Things are Possible

We are well into 2012. You have had chances to start the year with momentum and give up because of adversity. Almost everyday we face ups and downs. Ask the Lord to lead you (He does that as you read His Word, as you seek Him in prayer, listen to sermons and worship music); follow His direction and trust His timing. Just because things may not look promising at the moment does not mean that they will remain that way. What did the Lord say would occur during this year? If He said it, don't stop trusting Him because they look impossible; remind yourself how He has turned things around for you in the past. Remember a 90 year old woman got pregnant. The Red Sea split in half so God's children could walk through it on dry ground. Joseph lived in prison for 10 years before being delivered in one moment. David killed a giant with a sling shot. Daniel survived a lions den over night. Jesus turned water into wine, He fed thousands with a few fish and loaves of bread. Remembering those things, keep walking in obedience to God's call on your life and watch as He moves obstacles out of your way so you can follow through on what you committed to accomplish in His Name in 2012. This is going to be a good year for His Kingdom in your life. Believe what He has promised and watch it come to pass!