Saturday, February 12, 2011

The big day is almost here. Valentines. Many will express their feelings with a card that some one else wrote, buy flowers that some one else grew and give candy that some one else made to people that are the closet to them on earth. Does this strike you as strangely as it does me? Let me offer an idea that is so simple most overlook it as being to "cheesy" or old fashioned. The idea is this. Tell your loved ones how you feel about them. Be honest. It might not be as "flowery" as Hallmark but I promise if you will make a genuine attempt to convey your feelings, it will never be forgotten. You might get embarrassed. You might cry. Guys might not have the exact words to use but the effort will never be forgotten. I performed a funeral recently for an old friend. There were 5 people who attended the service. It struck me that even though many of the friends had passed on or were too sickly to come, the person, although likable and humorous was also very critical. They complained about everything. It was mixed with "funny sayings" but in the end there were very few people who walked with them during their last days on earth. Remember you reap what you sow. Share your love generously and frequently. Share it with people who don't give it back. Share it until your last breath. Jesus did. He gave us His life and because of that we have love to give to others. Do it now and watch as people soak up your expressions of honest, heart felt LOVE!

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