Saturday, March 5, 2011

"A harsh word stirs up anger but a gentle answer turns away wrath". Proverbs 15:1 In Genesis 11 the people of the earth were building a tower and God said because the people are in "one accord" nothing will be impossible for them. He confused the languages and the people were scattered all over the region because there was no unity. In the books of Acts, the disciples were in "one accord" after Jesus went to heaven. Unity or "one accord" is a most amazing principle. Strive to maintain the unity of the faith, Paul says in Ephesians. Unity is an amazing power; the enemy is constantly throwing confusion and disharmony into our lives. Don't fall for the trap. Being right is not always worth the battle. If something is "not a big deal" let it slide. You cannot let everything go without correction and maybe even a serious conversation but everything does not have to be agreed on. Don't "have to be right" about everything. Allow others their opinions without a challenge. Different denominations and political perspectives can be a healthy thing. Proverbs says "iron sharpens iron as one man sharpens another" which means there will be times when sparks fly but if you want people to enjoy being around you allow them to express their opinions freely without your criticisms. Strive to maintain unity even if it means keeping your opinions to yourself!

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